India has finally received a Ice Cream Sandwich which not only offers you with the latest OS but pretty decent hardware configuration at a very affordable price. The Tablet was launched by Zync Global which is a Indian based company with a 7″ capacitive screen and a powerful 1.2 Ghz processor. You can check out the front facing look of the tablet in the following Image.
The tablet comes with a front facing camera which is of 0.3 MP quality and can be used for video calling along with a 1GB RAM which is enough for running graphics based games on the tablet. The Zync Z990 also comes with 3G support which is infact awesome but through a dongle option like the iBall Slide tablet. Other basic connectivity options include bluetooth, Wi-Fi and support for the android market. The battery capacity is of 3600 mAh which is not huge but enough for running the tablet for a few hours.
This would be a impressive launch because there are quite very less budget tablets available in the market and you can check out our list of the Aakash Tablet Alternatives. In case you still are a fan of the $35 Aakash Tablet initiative by the government, you should change your mind and check out other options available because the datawind deal was cancelled by the government.
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