When we talk of the most powerful messengers across the platforms, then we come across the messaging apps like BBM for Blackberry and WhatsApp for Android. Unfortunately for all Blackberry boys and Android users, BBM for Android seems to be a distant reality as of now but for all those who wanted to enhance their WhatsApp experience can now try out the latest customized version of WhatsApp dubbed as “WhatsApp PLUS” which comes with an undoubted enhanced user experience smudged in the ICS theme packed with added list of features which we have mentioned below.
Please note that this is still in the testing state and is an unofficial version. Though it’s a Rock Solid app with almost “Zero” bugs, it can now be installed right in your Android without having to bother about the current Android version as it supports virtually all the Android OS versions. There is no timeline for the official release of WhatsApp Plus but as long as you are getting to try this one out, there shouldn’t be any issues. For your convenience, we have also shown the screen captures on how this one looks like with added features. Full credits to the XDA recognized developer rafalense for coming up with this update.
Features of WhatsApp PLUS:
- ‘PLUS theme’ option added. Change icons and images distribution to make WhatsApp more functional
- Chat Bubbles color now can be changed
- Stock round chat bubbles can be changed to square ones
- Headers color option added too (for Chats, Contacts and Conversation screens)
- Added option to discard annoying update message when opening WhatsApp (for the ones who suffer of it)
- “online”, “typing” and “last seen…” MODs are back
- Added transparency control for bubbles in Chat screen
- Added color mod for status icons in Chat screen (clock, check and double-check icons)
- Now inside Conversation Colors, Header and Chat MODs sepparated for a better comprehension
- Download Whats App PLUS APK file from the links below to your
computer. Once downloaded, connect your Android device to the computer
to place this APK file in your device. Alternatively, you can also
directly install this APK file in your device directly.
Download: WhatsApp PLUS v3.02 HoLo
Download: WhatsApp PLUS v3.02
- If connected to computer, disconnect the device and with the help of File explorer navigate to the path where you have placed this APK file in your device and open the same to install the same in your Android device.
- All you need to do is to just follow the on screen instructions. As soon as the installation is completed, you will be prompted to tap on “Accept” button. Please note that just in case if it prompts you to select the option of “Unknown Sources” then you need to select the same.